«My Majesty – Woman!»
It takes internal resources to effectively deal with crisis situations. Though sometimes such resources initially need to be understood, developed and strengthened. The project «My Majesty – Woman!» is geared toward women who need support and encouragement (empowerment) to successfully deal with crisis situations in their lives. The workshops provide a basis to help the women understand how to address difficulties. Participants are taught to have a better feeling of control over the various situations in their lives and have more self-assurance to generally improve their quality of life. They are strengthened and motivated through professional support and psychological advice to take more initiative and make more decisions in their own lives.
Building mutual trust and understanding the complex problems these women face are essential for this group work. With the aid of short lectures (educational piece), group discussions, working in pairs and in groups, as well as interactive discovery work with many creative self-perception exercises, games and relaxation techniques, the following topics are addressed:
- Roles we play,
- Senses we usually use,
- Resources we use and needs we ignore,
- Stress factors that drain our energies,
- Relationships with others and
- Personal and work space parameters.
In «My Majesty – Woman!», participants define their roles through interactive exercises and discussions. To better understand these roles, individual beliefs and the reinforced patterns (typically from one’s own family) are uncovered. After understanding roles, the next phase is to address relationships and which parameters are set within these relationships. The women also discuss how they have repressed, neglected or rejected their needs and the existence of their «inner child».
Through various exercises, participants are taught to stimulate their senses and to understand how they normally perceive harmony and well being, or the opposite thereof. They also learn to realize which senses are their main stress receptors. Finally they become acquainted with the principals about personal space and how to identify the zones in their own personal and work spaces where they feel secure or uneasy. In this way, they can detect or create a personal space where they can relax and apply their learned techniques. For example, meditation is used to focus on seeing and hearing senses to reduce daily stress.[:de]«My Majesty – Woman!»
It takes internal resources to effectively deal with crisis situations. Though sometimes such resources initially need to be understood, developed and strengthened. The project «My Majesty – Woman!» is geared toward women who need support and encouragement (empowerment) to successfully deal with crisis situations in their lives. The workshops provide a basis to help the women understand how to address difficulties. Participants are taught to have a better feeling of control over the various situations in their lives and have more self-assurance to generally improve their quality of life. They are strengthened and motivated through professional support and psychological advice to take more initiative and make more decisions in their own lives.
Building mutual trust and understanding the complex problems these women face are essential for this group work. With the aid of short lectures (educational piece), group discussions, working in pairs and in groups, as well as interactive discovery work with many creative self-perception exercises, games and relaxation techniques, the following topics are addressed:
- Roles we play,
- Senses we usually use,
- Resources we use and needs we ignore,
- Stress factors that drain our energies,
- Relationships with others and
- Personal and work space parameters.
In «My Majesty – Woman!», participants define their roles through interactive exercises and discussions. To better understand these roles, individual beliefs and the reinforced patterns (typically from one’s own family) are uncovered. After understanding roles, the next phase is to address relationships and which parameters are set within these relationships. The women also discuss how they have repressed, neglected or rejected their needs and the existence of their «inner child».
Through various exercises, participants are taught to stimulate their senses and to understand how they normally perceive harmony and well being, or the opposite thereof. They also learn to realize which senses are their main stress receptors. Finally they become acquainted with the principals about personal space and how to identify the zones in their own personal and work spaces where they feel secure or uneasy. In this way, they can detect or create a personal space where they can relax and apply their learned techniques. For example, meditation is used to focus on seeing and hearing senses to reduce daily stress.[:de]«My Majesty – Woman!»
Um mit Krisensituationen fertig zu werden, braucht es innere Ressourcen. Doch manchmal müssen diese zuerst erkannt, entwickelt und gestärkt werden. Darauf ist das Projekt «My Majesty – Woman!» ausgerichtet – auf Frauen, die Unterstützung und Ermutigung (Ermächtigung) brauchen, um die Krisensituationen in ihrem Leben zu bewältigen. In den Workshops soll eine Basis geschaffen werden, damit die Frauen erkennen, wie sie ihre eigenen Schwierigkeiten bewältigen können. Sie sollen ein verbessertes Gefühl der Kontrolle über verschiedene Situationen in ihrem Leben und mehr Selbstvertrauen bekommen, sodass sich ihre Lebensqualität im Allgemeinen verbessert. Durch fachliche Unterstützung und psychologische Begleitung werden die Frauen gestärkt und motiviert, in Bezug auf das eigene Leben mehr Initiative und Entscheidungsautonomie zu entwickeln.
Wichtig für die Arbeit in der Gruppe sind der Aufbau von gegenseitigem Vertrauen und das Verständnis für die komplexen Probleme, mit denen die Frauen konfrontiert sind. Mittels kurzen Vorlesungen (edukativer Teil), Disskusionen, Erfahrungsaustauch in Paaren und im Plenum sowie interaktiver Erfahrungsarbeit mit vielen kreativen und Selbstwahrnehmungs-Übungen, Spielen und Entspannung werden folgende Themen behandelt:
- Rollen, die wir spielen
- Sinne, die wir in der Regel benutzen
- Ressourcen, die wir nutzen und die Bedürfnisse, die wir ignorieren
- Stressfaktoren, die uns auslaugen
- Beziehungen mit anderen
- Lebens- und Arbeitsräume
Im Projekt «My Majesty – Woman!» definieren die Teilnehmerinnen «ihre» Rollen zunächst durch interaktive Übungen und Diskussionen. Um diese Rollen zu verstehen, werden die eigenen Glaubenssätze und die – hauptsächlich von der eigenen Familie – eingeprägten Muster aufgedeckt. Nach dem Verständnis der Rollen geht es um Beziehungen und darum zu erkennen, welche Grenzen in diesen Beziehungen gesetzt werden. In den Workshops sprechen die Frauen auch darüber, wie sie ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse und die Existenz des «inneren Kindes» unterdrückt, vernachlässigt oder abgelehnt haben.
In Übungen lernen die Teilnehmerinnen von «My Majesty – Woman!», ihre Sinne zu erwecken und zu erkennen, wie sie normalerweise zum Beispiel Harmonie und Wohlbefinden wahrnehmen – oder das Gegenteil davon. Sie werden sich auch bewusst, welche Sinne ihre grössten Stressrezeptoren sind. Schliesslich lernen sie die Grundprinzipien rund um den persönlichen Lebensraum kennen und wie sie Zonen in den eigenen Lebens- und Arbeitsräumen, in denen sie sich wohl oder unwohl fühlen, identifizieren können. So können sie schliesslich einen persönlichen Raum erkennen oder schaffen, in dem sie sich entspannen und die gelernten Techniken anwenden können wie zum Beispiel die Meditation, bei der das Sehen und Hören der Sinne stimuliert wird, um den täglichen Stress zu reduzieren.[:][:]